I bought Canon A75 Digicam in Dec 2004 and it recently stopped working: the LCD screen is always black and the pictures are also black. The pictures I took before this happened show up fine. I found the address of Canon Service Center in Hyderabad from Canon website and went there last Saturday.
I gave the camera to the Service Technician and he looked at for a half a minute and this is what followed:
Service Technician: "A part named CCD which captures images has failed"
Me: "Ok. How can we fix that?"
Service Tech: "You need to replace it"
Me: "Ok. How much would that cost?"
Service Tech: "It's free"
Me (slightly incredulous) : "But I don't have bill" (I bought it in US 2.5 years ago and the bill is long gone)
Service Tech: "Doesn't matter. We replace it free of cost. But it will take 4 weeks. Fill this form and include your phone number, we'll call you when it is done."
I was pleasantly surprised about the whole thing. I used to recommend Canon to anyone who asked my opinion because their cameras fillout more than 60-70% of top 5/top 10 camera list at www.dpreview.com. Now I would doubly recommend a Canon because of the great service.
So have you got back the camera yet?
My story goes the same way. But I got the last part too. They said it would take 60 days. On the 60th day. They called and asked to collect the camera. It was good. And I also saw this funny incident when i gave my camera for repair.
Service Guy: Your camera is outdated so, the company gave you a new camera from an advanced model of the same series.
Camera Owner: Is it good? But i like mine better.
It took five minutes for the service centre guys to convince him to get the better new camera for free.
Then I asked the guy, would I also get a new one. He said it depends on the problem :) Anyways I got my old camera only.
Jude, I guess I called it out early as the camera wasn't returned when I posted that blog. But they returned it now, 2 weeks after giving it to them and it works great.
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