* - Quote from Discovery channel as heard by the old lady.
Well, I am not sure how accurate that statistic is but it is 100% accurate in our case. There is no baby yet but there is going to be one in, say, seven months time.
Old lady and I very unsure of what to make of it when weren't sure of the pregnancy. Both of us dream of accomplishing something through our efforts and have never felt that we have done enough to realize our potential except in small bursts (say IIT Preparation or working really really hard after a horrible semester). Given that aspiration, a baby was always couple of years away.
Once we started suspecting pregnancy but weren't sure of it; we were confused and worried about out what it would mean to our dreams. After we got an ultra sound scan done, saw the tiny heart beats we started to accept it and now are looking forward to the baby.
Both of us will have to figure out how this would affect our imagined lives but I am sure a pleasant picture will evolve.
Congrats and all the best.
I guess it will all be a good experience. I have a friend who got married when she was 20 and didn't want a baby for sometime because she had things to do. Yet within an year she had a baby, bringing in a few muted concerns but also a whole bundle of joy. Now she finds way of doing what she always wanted to do beside bringing up the boy! :) Sure, as you said it, the picture will be very pleasant! Advance - congratulations RK!
Thanks for the mail and keeping me in loop. I came to your blog after a very long time and am reading the archives included :)
Congratulations...big things come in small packages...!!!
congrats da! may the baby have your guts and gumption.
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