Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Keerthana is 20 years old and is

- Healthy and happy.
- Participates in a physical activity, like swimming etc.
- Independent and strong.
- Friendly, thoughtful and personable.
- Confident about the decisions she makes, or is learning to make the right decisions as she grows older.
- Understands the value of education and is pursuing her Bachelor’s.
- Aware that she has to become financially independent.
- Knows that she needn't restrict herself to mainstream vocations.
- Spends her efforts on a few, well-chosen goals.
- Works on things she can control and isn’t bogged down by things she can’t.
- Values hard work over being smart.
- Optimistic, looks at the bright side of life.
- Very articulate, communicates extremely well.
- Intellectually curious.
- Prudent with money and financially savvy.
- Does not have the habit of watching television.


RK said...

This is our response to Prerana's note. No prizes for guessing which ones came from Old Lady and which ones from me.

Anonymous said...

- Works on things she can control and isn’t bogged down by things she can’t.
- Values hard work over being smart.
- Optimistic, looks at the bright side of life.
- Very articulate, communicates extremely well.
- Intellectually curious.
- Prudent with money and financially savvy.
- Does not have the habit of watching television.

Looks pretty fatherly :)

Unknown said...

Good work. Pats to both of you! :)

I could see everything that we used to disuss in the past about kids, education, ... here!

Its not so difficult to pick yours!